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Mealworms 1 liter

Meelwormen Mealworms 1 liter

Meelwormen Mealworms 1 literMeelwormen Mealworms 1 literMeelwormen Mealworms 1 literMeelwormen Mealworms 1 liter

€ 7.50


The mealworm is the larva of the mealworm beetle.

Birds are known for eating insects. Mealworms are a perfect addition to our birds' normal diet.

Mealworms are a very nutritious, high-protein food for all kinds of birds and reptiles.

The high protein content of ± 50% makes mealworms very suitable as a food source for our birds.

If you want to give your birds an extra treat, give them mealworms. Birds love it!

Mealworms are packed with protein, a nutrient that is very important for birds. Especially in the spring the birds can use this very well. Building nests, feeding young, protecting their territory are all energy-consuming things. Supplementary feeding with mealworms is not only great fun, it is also very good for the birds.

Mealworms: a crunchy snack for birds and fowl, various rodents and reptiles. Mealworms: a healthy and protein-rich addition to the daily diet.

To offer a well-varied diet, you can also offer other food animals together such as pinkies | bufflos | wax moths | crickets | grasshoppers | hermetia ...
Mealworms, along with pinkies, buffalo and wax moths, are the most commonly fed to our birds.

Make sure your birds have variety in food animals. This gives you a better general composition of nutrients. This prevents one-sided feeding and will certainly benefit the general condition of your birds.

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