Webshop » Live Insects » Fruit Flies » Fruit flies are winged

Fruit flies are winged

Fruitvliegjes Gevleugeld Fruit flies are winged

€ 3.00


Fruit flies are available winged and wingless. Fruit flies are a very good protein-rich food for our birds.

Very suitable food for all kinds of birds, frogs and reptiles. This is very good breeding food during the breeding period. Our birds will quickly learn when you offer them a bowl of fruit flies. They will quickly catch the fruit flies as soon as you open the lid.

Fruit flies can be stored in the supplied packaging.

Preferably keep fruit flies at a temperature between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius. Do not place them in direct sunlight. If the pupation stage has to be postponed, we recommend keeping them at a lower temperature, namely between 15 and 18 degrees Celsius.

As a food you can feed small pieces of banana, this way all maggots get enough nutrients to develop properly. It is important that the nutrient medium remains moist. You can do this by adding a wet piece of kitchen paper | wet piece of cotton pads.

Make sure your birds have variety in food animals. This gives you a better general composition of nutrients. This prevents one-sided feeding and certainly benefits the general condition of your birds.


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