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Hermetia Larvae 1 kg

HERMETIA LEVEND 1KG Hermetia Larvae 1 kg

€ 20.00


The larvae of hermetia (black soldier fly or black soldier fly) are a true revolution in animal nutrition. Birds, fish and reptiles love it. They are extremely nutritious and have a minimal ecological footprint.

Perfectly suited for birds, fish and reptiles.

Due to the excellent nutritional and antibiotic values, the hermetia larvae are the ideal food for our birds.

Hermetia larvae are an excellent food for birds, reptiles and fish. The larvae are easy to digest and have many advantages over other insects:

Once your birds are used to the larvae, they don't want anything else.

No surprise when you see how nutritious hermetia larvae are!

Hermetia larvae are much more durable than fishmeal.

For the food of birds, fish and reptiles, fishmeal is often chosen, which is made from dried and ground fish. However, a diet of hermetia larvae is a lot more sustainable.

The many benefits of hermetia larvae:

 hermetia larvae contain a very high calcium content (8%), up to 10 times higher than mealworms or crickets! which is good for the bones and eggs of our birds.

 hermetia larvae contain high concentrations of lauric acid, a natural antibiotic for our birds

 hermetia larvae have a very high excellent nutritional value and a naturally well-balanced calcium-phosphorus ratio.

 hermetia larvae in the diet of our birds reduces feather pecking and provides a beautiful glossy plumage.

We offer hermetia larvae alive in 3 different sizes, namely:

the standard ordinary hermetia: this is often offered to larger bird species, ground birds, etc.), but the smaller species such as goldfinches also like this size

the hermetia small: this is generally offered to all kinds of birds from small to large, the advantage of this size is that there are no brown or black 
hermetia larvae, as they are all not yet adult larvae

the hermetia extra small: these are most often offered to small exotic birds such as African and Australian finches, etc. Extra narrow hermetia larvae are therefore slightly smaller than a pinkie. This is also given to newborn birds as a very powerful food during the first weeks of life.

Switch to Hermetia as a sustainable animal feed now!

Hermetia larvae are best kept in a PVC crate with smooth walls.

As a food you can give them a banana (cut on its side, including the skin), and offer it with the pulp downwards. When hermetia larvae start to get a little drier you can sprinkle them with a little bit of water. (or with a spray can of water). Then the larvae regain their beautiful flesh-colored shine, so that our birds are better absorbed.

Store Hermetia larvae at a minimum of 15 degrees. If the larvae have been too cold overnight, do not panic: place them back in a warmer environment and you will see that they are active again in no time.

Make sure your birds have variety in food animals. This gives you a better general composition of nutrients. This prevents one-sided feeding and will certainly benefit the general condition of your birds.

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