Pinkies are the most popular frozen insects and are a good rearing food for young birds. Pinkies have soft skin and are highly digestible.
Mealworms are a perfect addition to the normal diet of our birds and are a very nutritious, protein-rich food. The high protein content of ± 50% makes mealworms very suitable as a food source for our birds.
Due to the excellent nutritional and antibiotic values, the hermetia larvae are the ideal food for our birds. The larvae are easily digestible and have many advantages over other insects. Once your birds are used to the larvae, they don't want anything else. No surprise, when you see how nutritious hermetia larvae are!
Some advantages about hermetia larvae:
have a very high calcium content (8%), up to 10 times higher than mealworms or crickets! which is good for the bones and eggs of our birds
contain high concentrations of lauric acid, a natural antibiotic for our birds
have a very high excellent nutritional value and a naturally well-balanced calcium-phosphorus ratio
reduces feather pecking and ensures a beautiful shiny plumage
Make sure your birds have variety in food animals. This gives you a better general composition of nutrients. This prevents one-sided feeding and certainly benefits the general condition of your birds.